with the Guided SEO Membership

The simple SEO action plan based on what SEO specialists do for $1-5K monthly retainers. And helping you understand and implement simple SEO tactics that get leads and customers to your website. For a fraction of what others pay. 

Uhhh SEO

What is it again?

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. It is the practice of getting websites to rank higher in search engine results. You want to rank higher so that you get more website traffic from visitors looking for services or products like yours.
Confused woman with glasses

Why do SEO? (Do I have to?)

Look, you're here because you'd like your business to be successful ... you'd like to be successful. Am I right?

No one is in this game to lose. 

And SEO is a really effective piece of the puzzle because it brings customers to your door. And these are customers who are looking for you, your products and your services. 

This is different than socials where people come across a post or an ad. With SEO, you can meet people who are already on their buyer's journey.  It can be very targeted. 

And right now you have competitors actively trying to out-rank you in the search results. They will do the SEO work or pay that retainer fee because more clicks mean more money.

SEO is an awesome marketing strategy because it works in the background and over the long term. Building on itself and getting stronger and stronger over time. There are a lot of reasons to do this.

Here are the facts ...

1. Organic search is the primary driver of all website traffic.

People “Google” before anything else. It’s the first place your customers go when they want information, to buy something or to find a service. If you are not showing up in search results, or high enough in search results, you’re missing out on leads and sales.

  • 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine (BrightEdge)

  • SEO drives 1000% more traffic than organic social media (BrightEdge)

2. Being listed high in search results gives you a massive advantage.

Especially if you are in the top 3 spots.

  • Being #1 for a keyword search in Google means that you have an average click-through rate (to your website) of 27.6% (Backlinko)

  • The #1 organic search result gets 10x more clicks than the #10 result (on the same page) (Backlinko)

  • Being on the second page of results means only 0.63% of searchers will even see your listing. (Ahrefs)

3. SEO is more cost-effective than paid ads.

Ads are one and done but your SEO efforts can last for an extended period of time. Especially if done well. Plus, this is content you own! It’s yours and you control it.

  • ROI stats can be difficult to measure due to so many variables but here’s something to go on from Soocial.com.

  • SEO generates 200% - 275% ROI according to estimates.

  • Every dollar invested in SEO brings eCommerce $2.75

Alright, so you understand that SEO is important but what do you even do?

Lots of people feel like SEO is something they should be doing but have no clue as to where to start. You may have no idea as to what “doing SEO” even means. Someone once told me it’s like black magic!

So understandably, SEO work often gets sent to the too-hard basket.

And why shouldn’t it?

There’s a lot of technical know-how that goes along with SEO. Plus, there are different types - local, technical, on-page.

It’s a lot easier to create a cute social media post.

You’re wearing so many hats already, that you'd rather focus on the parts of your business that you're good at and enjoy.

Maybe you just haven’t wanted to take this on before now. It feels big, time-consuming and complicated. It feels hard.

Any of that resonate with you?

I know this has seemed hard and complex in the past but we’re about to change all of that. Because I’ve learned from working in the industry just how simple SEO can be!

You see, SEO has become my specialty. Especially content creation and local business SEO. 

And I can help you apply the same simple system I use for my high-ticket clients so that we can turn your website into a customer-getting machine. One that works for you on autopilot.

Weekly Action Plan

Each month, you’ll get an action plan broken down into 4 weeks (although you can schedule this whenever suits you). Each week is designed to take around an hour. Short video tutorials are included where needed. Each progressive month builds on the work you’ve done before creating a strong SEO system for your website.

[$99 monthly value]
Look inside the course at monthly action plan

Monthly Live Q & As

On the second Tuesday of each month, we'll have a live call so I can answer your questions. We'll cover general SEO questions or more specific ones about your own website. You can also submit questions in advance if you can’t make it.

[$99 per call value]
Monthly Q and As

The Community

You will have access to the SEO community inside of the program to ask questions, share ideas and push each other on. This is a great place to find an SEO accountability buddy! If you need quick answers, this is a great place to reach out.

[$49 per month value]
Women looking at computer screen

Hi there! Here's a bit more me - April

I started a long, long time ago in SEO with my very first website in 2006. This is when I decided to completely ignore the degree I had just spent years working towards and move to South Korea. I built my first couple websites there in the hours I wasn’t teaching English.

Amazingly, many of the SEO principles I learned then still apply today. (Like just make good content people would want to read.)

For the last number of years, I have worked as an SEO specialist for web development agencies here in Australia (where I moved with my hubby who I met in Korea). I also run a number of other websites including that very first site one.

Being in the SEO game for so long and working with so many different types of businesses and industries has given me a lot of insight into what works and what is a waste of time. I’ve also seen the rise and fall of the shadier SEO practices people use (and pay for without knowing it!) and steer clear of those.

I've learned that it can be hard for business owners to know what is good or not. I have spoken with enough of you now to understand that this topic can seem like a complete mystery.

But doing it yourself, even if it’s just a little bit, will give you a solid foundation into what to expect in SEO services and what to do.
April Wright

Because business owners who do get SEO, get what it truly means:

  • That people will click on your website before your competitors and you can convert them first!

  • That your customers will find you sooner and when they are ready to make a purchase.

  • You’ll be seen first and so assumed to be a better business which results in more sales.

  • That you’ll get more leads which means more paying customers and so more $$$.

  • That you’ll have more content so must be a bigger and more successful business and that will also mean more people will choose you!

You might be wondering … (FAQs)

  • How much time will this take me?

    We’re aiming for about 4 hours per month. You can do more and you can do less. But that is a good amount to aim for.

  • Do I have to do all the work?

    No. But someone will need to do it. If you have a staff member capable of doing some of this work, they definitely can. Some things aren’t hard, they just need to get done. You can also hire out or get a freelancer to do parts of this. For example, if you just absolutely do not like writing and don’t want to create content or blog articles, you can hire a writer or purchase an SEO article through us.

  • Will I need to buy any other tools?

    I will recommend some paid tools for keyword research and tracking your rankings but if you have more time than money, I will also provide some free options you can use. For some paid tools like ones for keyword research, you may only need them for one month to do a bunch of research but then cancel your membership until you need it again. I will recommend an AI writing tool to help with content as well. If you already have one, you can use that.

  • I don’t want to write anything - what are my options?

    You can have a staff member write for you. You can hire a freelance writer. You can order content through us and hire my writer who has been trained in how to write for SEO.

  • I’m not technical, can I do this?

    Are you able to update your website content? Are you able to add images to your content? Are you willing to learn a little? If you answered yes then you should be fine. Bonus points if you can make a social media post!

  • What does it take to make SEO work?

    Consistency. The end.

  • Will you cover technical SEO? (Coding, etc)

    Not really. Technical SEO is something that often requires a developer although some SEO specialists also do this. We’re not going to cover this all that much as much of it goes into how your website is created in the first place.
    This is only going to be an issue for you if your website is super slow. If it is, you could ask us for a technical SEO audit and give that to a developer for a quote and they can make changes. But don’t get scared here because what really moves the needle forward is all the other SEO strategies we will implement. So we will focus on that.

  • What do I need to know how to do?

    1. You need to have access to your website and be able to log into it.
    2. You need to be able to put words on a blog page or website page.
    3. You need to be able to add images to your website (easy to learn if you know the above).

  • How long do I need to be a member for?

    You have the ability to cancel your membership at any point but here is what you need to know. Most SEO retainer clients will sign up for 6 months to 1 year because that is what it takes in terms of time to get things moving and see how the work is paying off. It’s a slow game at first but with long-lasting benefits.
    An absolute minimum I’ll recommend is 3 months.
    And one of the perks of the membership is that it prompts you to get the work done and this is often the hardest part of the whole thing.

What do you think? Are you in?

Are you ready to finally make sense of SEO and create more opportunities for people to find your business?
Then let's do this!